Raising performance and precision to an even higher level, the FORMAX® 2000 design combines zero-clearance heading slide guiding, straight-across transfer, sealed heading slide liners, precision linear feed, quick-change offline setup, and advanced computer controls into a forming system that delivers close-tolerance parts to net or near net shape.
Purpose-tailored to munition production demands with special technical specifications and special machine features, our compact FX35 & FX36 machine models are your choice machines to produce brass/steel pistol shell casings at over 250 parts per minute.
Of course, this machine may also be configured to produce pre-formed rifle tube blanks from brass or steel material (just 1 drawing operation left) as well as monolithic projectiles.
Your advantage as compared to traditional cup-and-draw-processes:
- 50 % less space requirements
- 50 % less workforce requirements
- 50 % less water to treat and dispose
- 60 % less annealing efforts
- up to 30% less scrap
- fewer machines to set up
- shortened WIP
- less cost for maintenance and handling
- shorter changeover times when switching calibers (< 1h)