IWA OutdoorClassics 2025 starts in Nürnberg
IWA OutdoorClassics, the world's leading trade fair for the hunting and target sports industry, kicks off in Nuremberg. Over the next four days, 1,084 exhibitors from 52 countries will present their new products to the international specialised trade.

Nuremberg, 27.02.2025: IWA OutdoorClassics, the world's leading trade fair for the hunting and target sports industry, kicks off in Nuremberg. Over the next four days, 1,084 exhibitors from 52 countries will present their new products to the international trade. Among the exhibitors are 172 new exhibitors (around 16 percent). A top-class supporting program will provide answers to urgent questions from the trade. This year, the IWA Knife Award will be presented by the expert jury in two new categories from among 79 submitted products.
IWA OutdoorClassics 2025 strengthens the specialist trade and provides future-oriented input
In 2025, IWA OutdoorClassics will once again offer a wide range of innovative products for specialist retailers from the hunting, target sports and outdoor sectors. In a total of nine exhibition halls, visitors can expect a large selection of hunting and target shooting weapons and equipment, optics, ammunition, knives, clothing and tactical equipment. For retailers from all over the world, IWA OutdoorClassics is the only opportunity of the year to get a concentrated overview of the latest products from international manufacturers.
Platform for knowledge, discussions and networking
The sector is facing major challenges, both economically and politically. In addition to new products, IWA OutdoorClassics offers a comprehensive supporting program that provides trade visitors with valuable answers to urgent questions from the specialist trade on how to overcome current challenges.
The SHOOTING EXPERTS' Stage offers a platform for captivating presentations and discussions on the topics that move the industry on all days of the trade fair. International experts, athletes and companies will share their knowledge and show ways of success and opportunities to advance the specialist trade within the hunting and target sports industry - be it market trends, new legal requirements or the latest developments in marketing.
In addition to the informative presentations on the SHOOTING EXPERTS' Stage, XPERIENCE at IWA OutdoorClassics 2025 offers two further special areas, the BLADE Demo Area and the AIRSOFT Shooting Area, which provide a perfect combination of further training, knowledge enhancement and product testing. Here, trade visitors will have the opportunity to try out products first-hand, learn from experts and apply their newly acquired knowledge directly to consulting and sales. These areas promote the exchange between retailers from different segments and enable them to benefit from each other and gain new insights together.
For the first time, IWA OutdoorClassics offers a special area for clothing and hunting equipment. The nature-oriented Hunting Camp invites visitors to linger, while manufacturers present their outdoor products, footwear and hunting accessories. Culinary delights will also be on offer: Game dishes will be served in the Hunting Camp.
The supporting program will be rounded off with the festive presentation of the IWA Knife Awards. In the newly introduced categories “Kitchen / Cooking” and “Outdoor”, an expert jury will select one winner each from a total of 79 products submitted by exhibitors from 13 countries.
Newcomer Area fully booked with 19 exhibitors.
This Newcomer Area in the transition between Halls 1 and 3C offers companies attending the trade fair for the first time the opportunity to present their innovative products to an international trade audience. The high demand demonstrates the great interest in fresh ideas and new brands within the industry. The Newcomer Area will thus become an exciting hotspot for innovations and an important place for establishing new business relationships. As part of the new IWA Talents program, six national and international universities and colleges will also be visiting IWA OutdoorClassics 2025.
Voices from the industry
Stefanie Leege, Director of IWA OutdoorClassics
“IWA OutdoorClassics 2025 is all about innovation, collaboration and the future. As an international B2B platform, we not only present the latest products, but also promote the important dialog within the industry and provide valuable impulses for future business developments. In times of change, it is crucial to grow together, learn from each other and break new ground. IWA is the perfect place to network, discuss challenges and find solutions. We invite you to take advantage of the opportunities at IWA 2025, to be inspired and to shape the future of the hunting, target sports and outdoor industry together with us. We look forward to welcoming you to Nuremberg and taking a successful step into the future together!”
Olaf Sauer, President, Association of Hunting, Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers (JSM)
“The German civilian hunting, sporting arms and ammunition industry - like many other sectors - is suffering from the current economic situation,” says Olaf Sauer, President of the Association of Hunting, Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers (JSM). “Raw material shortages, high energy costs and lower purchasing power are keeping the industry busy, as is the problem of a shortage of skilled workers. In addition, there are sometimes enormous delays in the granting of export licenses, which reduces the competitiveness of our members compared to European competitors.
IWA OutdoorClassics will certainly be utilized again by our member companies to hold a wide range of discussions with customers, whereby the highly international nature of the trade fair is a great advantage.”
Michael Blendinger, President, - Association of German Gunsmiths and Gun Dealers (VDB) and The European Organization for the Civilian Arms Trade (A.E.C.A.C)
“The economic conditions, characterized by conflicts, inflation, high energy prices and the associated strong reluctance to buy, are primarily affecting medium-sized and family-run companies. In the firearms trade, the negative effects are exacerbated by legislation that changes at short intervals. There is no longer any economic planning certainty, which poses major challenges for our industry if we are to continue to be able to ensure a nationwide supply for our customers. We therefore expect the future German government to put legal civilian gun ownership on a stable footing.”
“The overall situation is similar at a European level, although a much more positive business trend can be observed in countries with liberal gun laws. We therefore see the revision of the EU Firearms Directive, which is scheduled for Q4/2025 and could lead to further restrictions on the legal arms trade, as a sword of Damocles.”
Hans Simensen, Key Account & Training Manager, Bergans of Norway
“We are attending IWA OutdoorClassics this year to present our new hunting collection to an international audience. The trade fair offers an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas with industry professionals, identify trends and share a passion for adventure and nature with like-minded people. With our high-quality and sustainable products, we want to further strengthen our expertise and commitment to the hunting & outdoor community and enter into new partnerships. We are delighted to be in Nuremberg.”