Hunting adventure at Camp Hohenhorn
8/1/2023 Hunting

Hunting adventure at Camp Hohenhorn

Camp Hohenhorn, a place dedicated to training in the use of firearms for hunting, opened up a unique experience for us at the IWA Campfire that deepened our understanding of hunting and opened up new horizons.

Impressions from Hohenhorn. Impressions from Hohenhorn.

Hunting takes place throughout the European Union. In many countries, hunting has a long tradition. In Germany, too, hunting is a significant part of life for more than 400,000 people. Camp Hohenhorn, a place dedicated to training in the use of firearms for hunting, opened up a unique experience for us at the IWA Campfire that deepened our understanding of hunting and opened up new horizons. We give you a glimpse of what happened on the ground.


This was offered in Hohenhorn

Camp Hohenhorn already presented itself as a harmonious combination of tradition and modernity upon arrival. All participants had the opportunity to improve their accuracy and technique at the shooting range, both with their own weapons and with those of the experienced trainers. In addition, various tests, such as bullet velocity measurement, provided fascinating insights into the intricacies of shooting. In particular, the handling of the handgun made it clear that even experienced hunters benefit from such training.


Hunting as a family environment

However, the weekend not only offered intensive shooting exercises and further training but was also characterized by a familiar and cordial atmosphere. The participants got to talk to each other around the campfire, exchanged tips and experiences, and formed a strong community. The lively exchange among the hunters was inspiring and showed how important such events are to strengthen the bond within the hunting community. The openness and helpfulness of all participants helped everyone feel welcome and supported.


Hunting in society: What role do events play?

In society at large, hunting has a mixed reputation. The question arises whether events like Camp Hohenhorn, which promote an open approach to hunting, can play a part in improving the image of hunting. Indeed, these events play a crucial role in the public relations of hunting. Not only do they provide a platform to showcase the skills and professionalism of hunters, but they also provide an opportunity to promote understanding and acceptance of hunting in society. Through the exchange and open communication between the participants, misunderstandings and prejudices can be reduced. The positive mood and the familiar togetherness create an atmosphere that positively influences the public image of hunting and shows that responsible hunting makes an important contribution to nature conservation.


Camp Hohenhorn: Zusammenfassung

The weekend at Camp Hohenhorn was undoubtedly an enrichment. It showed us once again the diversity of hunting and illustrated how important it is to combine tradition and innovation. As part of the IWA Campfire, we are committed to exploring hunting in all its facets and sharing our passion for outdoor sports with others. The journey continues: already next weekend we will guest at the Airsoft Days.


Georg Loichinger

Georg Loichinger

Public Relations